Boost Your Sales with PromoTxt! 🚀

Merchants, turbocharge your revenue affordably with PromoTxt! From newsletters to abandoned cart strategies, our platform boosts your marketing impact. Experience the difference – elevate your sales with PromoTxt today!

Cut your costs & win more
customers 🤩

Gather, convert, and retain new customers effortlessly through automated email
& SMS - all available for free for SMEs


Fuel your success with PromoTxt's
SMS strategies and marketing solutions.

Connect with your customers no matter their location using seamlessly integrated email and SMS campaigns. Customize templates for a branded, personalized experience, all within one platform


Higher conversion rate with SMS combined with email

Connect seamlessly
with your customers 🤝

Unlock endless possibilities for growth and success.
Experience the power of direct communication with PromoTxt today!


Streamline precise targeting effortlessly.

Reach the ideal audience with tailored messages at optimal moments. Create dynamic segments based on real-time updates, campaign engagement, and shopping habits.


Higher order rate with segmented campaigns.Get a second chance every time someone abandons their basket

PromoTxt © 2024